Anyway, back in D.F life is chaos once again with the Luz y Fuerza electritans' union marching down the main road (Reforma) all of yesterday making traffic an even bigger nightmare than usual. It seems Calderon has taken a very small leaf out of Maggie's book by shutting down this inefficient, corrupt and powerul union (there are still many more to go.) While he is offering 33 months redundancy payment it still means unemployment due to corruption amongst government and union leaders. And chaos to everyone else.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Festival Interational de Cine de Morelia
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Anyway back to Tula: What I most liked about it and what it is most famous for are its Atlantean colossal statues (gigantes) that were originally used as columns to support a temple on top of what is now one of the site's pyramids. They are 15 feet tall and make still make a striking impression despite having been thrown down a ramp when Tollan was destroyed (possibly by the Chichimec [no tengo ni idea! Research it at your own risk.])
...another temple...
...and, of course, a reference to sacrfice (on the serpent wall surrounding a small plaza) with images of snakes devouring human skulls.
All in all it was a good day and I am pleased to have seen the site and been on a pyramid viewing venture since I do live in Mexico and am well aware how proud many of the Mexicans I have met are of their ancient culture.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Life in Swine Flu City

So, as you may well have worked out by now I am currently at home with no gym nor bar nor restaurant. Hence I am having a rather pleasant government imposed relaxing time. I am listening to Spanish classes on Spanishpod (excellent podcast service for language learners) and finally have the chance to read Smith's Theory of Moral Sentiments which Pat kindly bought me from the U.S (v.interesting so far, I'm on chapter 5.)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
On the Friday we took a small drive down the coast to a nearby laguna we had been told about to go swimming and have a BBQ (we bought ours with us but unfortunately forgot the grill; photo below) which was really beautiful.
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Barbie Girls!

The exhibit displayed Barbies from all around the world, including Mexico (of course...)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera Museums
The Blue House

After seeing the inside of the house (taking photos unfortunately prohibited) I practiced my Spanish watching the video at the museum: From what I can gather Kahlo, in many ways had a very unhappy life, with a husband who had various affairs (including one with her sister) and spent a lot of time in hospital (due to polio at the 6 and a bus accident in 1925). She was also childless and suffered many miscarriages which she often references in her paintings.
Although, on the other hand I'm not entirely sure life for Frida was ALL the doom and gloom she made out. I think she was an outgoing, confident human being, always favouring the more tradditional Mexican dress and painting herself with prominent Mexican features (thick eyebrows and yes, a bit of a tash). She also managed to have her own affair with Leon Trotsky while he was exiled in Mexico DF...
...However in the painting below she does liken herself to a wounded animal.
It was particularly fun visiting the museum with my dramatic friend Vanessa who wandered around the house comparing herself to Kahlo at every oppourtunity.
Either way it was a great day and fascinating to visit the wacky house of this wacky but talented artist with my extremely wacky friend.
Diego's collection is huge, and includes models of warriors...
And the random frogs/toads on the ground floor:

Thursday, January 22, 2009
2009 and Kings
New Year in Acapulco
6th January - Piñatas and the Arrival of The Kings
[In the picture below I am just in front of a random Paper Mache peacock which has very little to do with the exhibtion, I just liked the bird.]

The only tricky part is cutting the Rosca as baked inside are small dolls (2 in our case) and whoever touches them with the knife is doomed to make tamales for all the people at the party on 2nd February.
The dolls are believed to represent the "hiding" of Jesus to protect him from Herodes, however I still don't know the significance of 2nd February although I'm sure I shall within the next fortnight...
Fortunately I was spared from the making tamales but look forward to trying Zoe and Pat's efforts shortly. Hahahahaha...