Pozadas and Parties

The next day Vannessa's mum took us to see nearby Tajin, a pre-hispanic city, initially constructed in the first Century. It reminded me of the Romans, in the sense that these early Pre-hispanic communities built specific buildings for religion, health and other Roman like purposes in a rather Roman like way and that, as Tajin was abandoned by the Spaniards, all that remains are these impressive ruins.
After this we watched Voladores (flyers), once a tradditional form of Totonac Indian worship. The flyers climb up to the top of a very high pole while one plays a wooden flute, attach themselves to a rope (attached to top of pole, obviously) which they twist around the top of the pole and fly down upside down:
Navidad en DF
While I could have gladly stayed with Vanessa in Veracruz for longer (and I intend to return), I had to get back to DF for Christmas. The 24th being the main event for Christmas in Mexico, we had a Mexican/Ameican/British Christmas dinner at Luis and Jenne's depa. We ate/drank, among other things; mole, guacamole, tequilla, turkey, pasta salad, mould wine, bread and butter pudding (the last two being my offerings).
On the 25th we had another meal at an American flat and hence a rather American Christmas day but merry all the same. However, gracias a youtube, everyone got to see the Queen's Christmas Message (many having never known it existed). Once again Queeny did not let us down and the British presence was felt. Another plus was leaving the party with half a ham (they were going away and unable to finish it)!
So far it's been a great holiday and, while very sappy, Christmas makes me feel very grateful for all the wonderful friends I have managed to make here and miss my fabulous friends and family back in Blighty.
While today has been a much needed recovery (I took myself off to the Fine Arts Gallery and read in the park) and water has never tasted so good I know this is only a pause as I shall be off again for New Years and tomorrow is Saturday...
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